Mind Body Approach
MBA is an NB3 spin off researching, training and further developing frameworks and methodologies that operate at the intersection of Organisational Growth and Human Behaviour.
The Neurobiology of: Performance, Leadership, Growth and Wellbeing is measured, addressed and resolved inside meaningful action.

Consulting, Advisory, Training and Coaching for Professionals, Teams and Organisations across People, Leadership, Business Growth and Money.
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An MBA To People & Culture
The neurobiology of performance and the 5% rule supports your people to become the next best version of themselves improving their own wellbeing and performance while directly lifting the overall workplace feeling.
An MBA To Leadership
The neurobiology of leadership and the Me-First rule supports your Executive Leadership to advance Self-Regulation improving their own wellbeing and performance while transforming how they co-regulate their people.
An MBA To Business Growth
Business Growth divided by Human Behaviour equals X. Together we resolve X for your unique situation using Project Based Therapy to simultaneously facilitate growth while resolving the exact friction at play.
An MBA To Money
A Program for executives and entrepreneurs seeking personal and professional development in the areas of money. Getting it, investing it, leveraging it, while keeping the healthy books for key stakeholders.