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What Is DiSC?

Increase your awareness of both yourself and other people.

DiSC® is a personal evaluation technique that more than one million individuals use annually to enhance productivity, cooperation, and communication at work.

A Shared Language

The DiSC® paradigm offers a common language that individuals may employ to more fully comprehend themselves and the others they engage with. They can then utilize this understanding to lessen conflict and foster stronger working relationships.

Why use DiSC?

Numerous organizations, from large Fortune 500 corporations and government agencies to NGOs and small enterprises, employ DiSC® evaluations.

The answer is straightforward: DiSC® profiles facilitate the development of closer, more productive professional bonds.

What does DiSC mean?

The abbreviation DiSC refers to the four basic personality types that make up the DiSC model: (D)dominance, (i)influence, (S)teadiness, and (C)onscientiousness.

  • D personality types frequently exude confidence and prioritize achieving tangible achievements.

  • People with I personalities are often more outgoing and emphasize connections as well as influencing or convincing other people.

  • People who have an S personality type are often trustworthy and emphasize collaboration and sincerity.

  • Quality, correctness, knowledge, and competency are often prioritized by people with C personalities.

In order to provide more insightful and memorable feedback in profiles, DiSC additionally assesses priorities (the phrases surrounding the circle).


How does DiSC work?

A straightforward exam ushers in the DiSC adventure. To find out where you "fit" into the four basic personality reference points and how inclined you are to those styles, you complete a brief personality exam.

The Science Behind DiSC

DiSC tests have undergone substantial investigation and are tried and true. Wiley, the company that publishes the DiSC tests, is one of the oldest and most reputable names in the publishing of scientific and technical references. For more than 40 years, Wiley and several others have studied, examined, and improved the DiSC model.

Who Created The DiSC Profile?

William Moulton Marston, a physiological psychologist with a Ph.D. from Harvard, was the one who first suggested the DiSC model of behavior. His 1928 work, Emotions of Normal People, laid the foundation for the views that were later developed by several other authors.


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